Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm drooling for Cabot's The Great Pyramid Sundae

As I was having my late-night dessert at Cabot's, I couldn't take my eyes off of this gorgeous huge pyramid of ice-cream scoops.
It costs 200ish US dollar.
I'm amazed...
I was thinking to buy it for myself, my ice-cream supplies for a year.
I imagined myself having it while I was watching movies at home.
What a life!
I know right, it seems that I'm contradicting myself by telling my desire to buy this humongous ice cream and telling my 21st b'day wish in the previous blog.
But, don't you think it's so eye catching? hahaha...
Anyway, I then asked the waitress about how long this ice cream could be kept in the fridge.
She looked all confused and 'amazed' by my question, and then, she went to the owner.
The owner then asked me over the counter and all of the employees stopped whatever they were doing.
It turned out both of the waitress and the owner did not understand my question.
They must be assuming that this pyramid would be always finished by a big party of ice-cream lovers.
Then, I rephrased my question.
How long can I keep this ice cream if there's leftover after party? (Of coz, I won't say that I would eat this for myself)
Then she said, it could last till 6months to 1 year as long as I cover it tightly with plastic wrap.

Hmmm...Should I buy it?! ; p

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